2018 Outstanding Innovation in Blockchain Technological Solutions
獎項類別: 香港智慧城市大獎2018 - 智慧政府 得獎機構: 區塊鏈科研有限公司 獎項: 傑出區塊鏈創新科技方案
Category: Smart City Awards 2018 - Smart Government Awardee: 區塊鏈科研有限公司 Award: Outstanding Innovation in Blockchain Technological Solutions
今年,etnet經濟通於6月11日在 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre舉辦了2018香港智慧城市峰會暨智慧城市頒獎典禮。
區塊鏈科研有限公司 將與 Yin Fu Labuan Investment Corporation 密切合作,為 馬來西亞聯邦 納閩島建立區塊鏈的智能城市系統。我們的區塊鏈技術得到了 納閩島政府 的認可,可以實現於電子銀行應用和其他商業交易。
如果沒有 Yin Fu Labuan Investment Corporation 和 納閩政府 的支持,這個項目將永遠無法實現,我們要感謝Mr. Rozman, <the Chairman of the Labuan Corporation.> and Mr. Wilson <Chairman of Yin Fu Labuan Corporation>對我們的技術能力的信賴,他們將這一革命性技術用於納閩政府的城市規劃。
首先我們非常榮幸,區塊鏈科研的得獎獲得10多個專業團體支持,由10多名專家組成的獨立評審團選出!我們也在此感謝一眾評審和 etnet 經濟通肯定對我們在香港發展區塊鏈的專業及貢獻。
CEO 梁永熹先生 今天也在場參與頒獎典禮!並接受來自傳媒的採訪。
感謝 香港科學園公司資訊及通訊,智慧城市及綠色科技主管 Ir. 楊天寵先生, 以及 立法會資訊科技界議員 莫乃光 JP。
This year, etnet.com.hk 經濟通 held the Hong Kong Smart City Summit & Smart City Award 2018 at the Wanchai Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center on June 11th.
Blockchain Solutions Limited, will be closely collaborating with the partnership with Yin Fu Labuan Investment Corporation to build a blockchain-enabled ecosystem for Labuan, a federal territory of Malaysia.
The blockchain technology is recognized by the government and in discussion to leverage Blockchain to work on major government projects.
We'd like to thank Mr. Rozman Isli - <Chairman of Labuan Corporation> and Mr. Wilson Huang - <Chairman of Yin Fu Labuan Corporation>, for their trust in our technological capabilities on bringing this revolutionary technology to work on the Labuan government’s most holistic city plan, the Labuan Developmental Blueprint 2030.
Blockchain Solutions Ltd. have won the 2018 Smart City Awards for Outstanding Innovation in blockchain Technological Solutions, witnessed by government officials in Hong Kong SAR.
First of all, we are honored that the award has won the support of more than 10 professional organizations and was selected by an independent jury composed of more than 10 experts! We also thank all the judges and etnet for their professionalism and contribution to the development of blockchain in Hong Kong.
Our CEO Dr. Jase Leung also present at the award ceremony today! He was interviewed by the official media. He shared the corporate vision and company mission. In addition, he also explained the blockchain technology and its possible applications in various industries. In addition, he discussed the blockchain with other commercial organizations on the spot, especially how to help Hong Kong become a pioneer in the new blockchain technology in the Asia Pacific region.
Also, thank you Charles Mok 莫乃光, JP, <Legislative Councillor (Information Technology)>, and Ir. Peter T. C. Yeung, <Head of ICT, Smart City & Green Technology, Hong Kong Science Park>, spending their time to support the development of technology in Hong Kong today!
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smart city award 2018: http://smartcity.etnet.com.hk/
etnet: http://www.etnet.com.hk/www/tc/home/index.php
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