明報專訪【Hong Kong Smart City Summit cum Smart City Awards 2018 香港智慧城市峰會暨智慧城市大獎2018】
【Hong Kong Smart City Summit cum Smart City Awards 2018】
Thank you @mingpaoinews and Thank you Ms. Grace Lam, for interviewing our CEO, Mr. Jase Leung, on his vision and thoughts on receiving the Hong Kong Smart City Awards 2018 in Smart Government - Outstanding Innovation in Blockchain Technological Solutions hosted by etnet.com.hk We're incredibly honored to have the opportunity to leverage #blockchain #technology and collaborate with the #Labuan #Government to develop Labuan Island into a world-class #smart #city!
多謝 @mingpaoinews, 多謝 林穎茵女士, 採訪我哋 Blockchain Solutions 行政總裁梁永熹先生,對拿到 @etnet.com.hk 舉辦的香港智慧城市大獎 - 智慧政府的感想與心得。我哋非常榮幸可以同納閩管理局合作,可以運用 #區塊鏈 #科技 把 #納閩島 發展成爲世界認可的 #智慧城市!