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東方日報專訪 Talent is the Secret Sauce for developing FinTech & Blockchain Technology in Hong Kong

【Talent is the Secret Sauce for developing FinTech & Blockchain Technology in Hong Kong】

Blockchain Solutions' team will like to express our gratitude and thank you 東網/東方日報, as well as Ms. Shirley Tang in spending the time to interview our CEO, Mr. Jase Leung. Although #Blockchain is globally recognized as a #disruptive #technology, Mr. Leung strongly believes that in order to develop #FinTech, especially in Hong Kong, #talent is the key to #success!


我哋 Blockchain Solutions 團隊好感謝 東網/東方日報,鄧雪玲女士來採訪我哋行政總裁梁永熹先生。雖然區塊鏈是被譽為一種顛覆性科技,但梁先生始終深信科研人才是在香港發展金融科技的最重要關鍵。

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