BSL X HKUST - Traditional Chinese Medicine Production Tracking
We collaborated with The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - HKUST on a production tracing platform, catering to traditional Chinese medicines.
This blockchain-based tracing platform, Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCMs) Production, will be piloting in several Mainland farms and manufacturers.
Thanks to blockchain, every record on this platform will be immutable, secure, and traceable. This could be beneficial for #crossborder checking and secure the #sourceoforigin of the product.
我們與香港科技大學合作並研發了一個以 #傳統中藥 為中心的產品追蹤平台。
有賴區塊鏈技術,紀錄於平台之上的資料能確保不被竄改、可追溯及安全。這項技術有助於 #跨境追查 及保證來源。
