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CerTraze 和 Elite Film Club 獲明報引述

多謝 #香港電腦商會 主席及 #元宇宙產業聯盟 召集人 Sam Hui 許主席 於 #明報 引述了我們的CerTrazeElite Film Club 項目,我們會繼續致力研究更多落地項目,望企業及大眾均可受惠於#區塊鏈 等新型科技。


Thank you to Mr. Hui, the chairperson of the Chamber of Hong Kong Computer Industry and the convenor of the Metaverse Industry Alliance, for citing our #CerTraze and #EliteFilmClub projects in the column. We try our best to work on landing projects and hope that both enterprises and the public can benefit from #Blockchain and other new technologies.

If you want to start a blockchain project, or need #technical#support, contact us now!

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Post Date: 20 February 2023



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