HKTDC - Hong Kong Electronics Fair 2021 香港秋季電子展 2021
The HKTDC 香港貿發局 Electronic Fair 2021 is officially over. Thank you HKTDC and everyone who visited us during the event. During one of the sharing sessions, our GM Jesse shared the latest development of #blockchain technology and how #enterprises could harness its power.
However, the fun is not over yet! We will be joining the Hong Kong #Fintech Week from 3rd-4th November at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre! Make sure to come and visit us at Hall3B 74B!
仍然意猶未盡?接下來我們將會參加於11月3-4日 #香港會展 舉辦的香港金融科技週!屆時記得於展覽廳3B的74B來參觀我們的攤位!