Interview at MetroFinance

Thanks to being awarded the Basic Technology- Blockchain from #HongKongFintechImpetusAward2020. Our CEO, Jase, today is being interviewed by Metro Broadcast, sharing views on the blockchain industry and introduce our coming projects.
We will share the broadcast date later! Don't miss it!
喜獲 #香港金融科技發展大獎2020 頒發的Basic Technology- Blockchain 後,我們的CEO, Jase, 今天接受了新城電台的採訪。當中分享了Jase對區塊鏈行業看法,亦介紹了我們接下來將開展的項目。稍後我們會分享節目播放日期及時間,萬勿錯過! #blockchain #blockchainsolutions #award #MetroFinance #MetroBroadcast #KPMG #HKSTP