Architecture of Blockchain Solutions Seminar
“Architecture of Blockchain Solutions” - 20 Free Quotas opened for Registration now!
In the coming International Conference on Industry 4.0 Blockchain Application organized by HKPC, our Founder and CEO Jase is going to share his point of views and insights on the Architecture of blockchain solutions. Companies around the world are starting to prepare for stepping into Industry 4.0. How can individuals and enterprises be benefited from Industry 4.0 by tying up with smart technology in a digitalized society? Grasp your chance and register now.
20 free quotas on Zoom Live Streaming or Walk-in Seminar will be provided, interested parties please PM or leave comments now! Date: 26 Mar 2021 Time:16:30-17:15 Topic: Architecture of Blockchain Solution Language: English Location: 4/F Conference Hall, HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong “區塊鏈方案結構”研討會- 20個免費名額現正開放! 區塊鏈的出現顛覆了許多行業,並可以解決當今企業最緊迫要解決的效率問題。香港生產力促進局 3月26日舉行的工業4.0區塊鏈應用技術國際會議上,我們的創辦人及行政總裁 Jase將會分享對於區塊鏈方案結構的介紹及觀點。世界各地的企業都為工業4.0作出準備,透過區塊鏈智能技術,個人及社會可以如何在工業4.0中受惠?把握機會,立即申請! 我們現開放20個Zoom/ Walk-in 免費名額,立即PM/留言獲取! 日期:2021年3月26日 時間:16:30-17:15 內容:區塊鏈的方案結構 語言:英語 地點:香港九龍達之路78號生產力促進局大樓4樓會議廳 #Blockchain #HKPC #BlockchainSolutions #webinar #區塊鏈 #區塊鏈技術 #區塊鏈科研
