Participating in the Asian E-tailing Summit 2020
As per a participant in the Asian E-tailing Summit 2020, our general manager, Jesse, has shared the views on Blockchain’s Role in Supply Chain and Customer Relationship Management. Applying blockchain into the supply chain implies lots of potential retailing values.
Blockchain is not just a type of database handling data but value-added technology. It can be applied to different industries and creating types of values - a high possibility to enhance your business. Want to know if your business can benefit from Blockchain? Contact us now.
在亞洲電子商貿峰會2020,我們的總經理Jesse分享了有關區塊鏈在供應鏈和客戶關係管理中的作用。 將區塊鏈應用於供應鏈之中可提供許多潛在的零售價值。 區塊鏈不僅是一種處理數據的數據庫技術,而且是可為現今商務帶來增值的技術。它可以應用於不同行業,為行業創造各種價值——很大機會能改善您的業務及帶來新商機。 想知道您的企業是否可以從區塊鏈中受益? 立即與我們聯繫。
Video Source: #Blockchain #CRM #AsianEtailingSummit #blockchainsolutions #blockchaininCRM #GuestTalk #webinar #區塊鏈 #區塊鏈技術 #亞洲電子商貿峰會2020 #區塊鏈科研
