Mentorship Program 2020 Award
Our CEO, Jase, is grateful to receive this #MentorshipProgram2020Award from the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce and Hong Kong Federations of Business Students. Jase is looking forward to participating in similar programs. Jase believes incubating young intelligence is essential for building Hong Kong as a #SmartCity and a great way to contribute to society.
Jase因早前參與 #香港總商會 及 #香港大專商學生聯會 協辦的導師計劃並成為兩位學生的導師而有幸獲頒Mentorship Program 2020 Award。我們就此衷心感謝主辦單位,未來 Jase亦會持續參與類似的計劃。全因Jase深信分享自身的經驗與知識予年青人既是把香港打造為 #智慧城市 的必經之路;亦是回饋社會的最佳方法。 #HKGCC #HKFBS #Blockchain #BlockchainSolutions #區塊鏈 #區塊鏈科研
