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WOW Summit 2023 Recap

What an amazing end to the WOW Summit!We had a fantastic time meeting and connecting with so many talented individuals in the Web3 space.

Special thanks to WOW Summit for giving us the opportunity to participate in the pitching session and meet all the experienced investors.

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who came by our booth to learn more about Funverse - our all-inclusive Metaverse platform designed for E-Commerce.

Thank you for your valuable time and interest. We hope that you enjoyed the summit as much as we did and we look forward to seeing you again soon.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates on Funverse and our upcoming events!

WOW Summit圓滿結束了! 我們很開心能和 Web3 領域的眾多人才交流。

特別感謝 WOW Summit 讓我們有機會參加演講環節並會見所有經驗豐富的投資者。

我們衷心感謝所有來到我們展位想了解更多關於 Funverse的朋友。Funverse - 我們專為電子商務設計的全方位元宇宙平台。

感謝你的寶貴時間和興趣,請繼續關注 Funverse 和我們接下來更多的活動!



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